Friday, June 4, 2010

Prayer for the Panthers

Strolled/jogged around the track at Billy's school this morning, and well, this is what came to me after 7 miles:)

Dear God,

You've been with us from the very beginning: the interview in a town we'd never heard of, the phone call from Mr.Lancaster, the huge ABF moving truck with our lives loaded in it(that it seemed like we'd just unpacked), the heartbreak and tears(mine) over leaving our current home and friends. You were there when our house sold in 5 days and we slipped seamlessly from Mississippi residents to Georgia homeowners with a little cash in our pockets. You were there when the older man at the new church looked at Billy and said, "What made you take that job?" You were there for it all and I guess that's what made it OK to pack up and move again and start over AGAIN in a place where we knew NO ONE! The Bible says "where You lead, I will follow." Well, we're here.

Well, God, I have a request. The Bible also says, "Ask and it shall be given to you." It's been three seasons and there's no other way to do this but to come right out with it. Lord, I'm praying today for a winning season for the Panthers. Be with the players as they hit the weight room early mornings on their summer break. Assure them that the work they trade for sleep will pay off this fall. Be with them as they endure the wind sprints and conditioning that will prepare them for hot nights in full pads against boys who may be bigger or faster than they are. Bless the receivers with quick feet as they glide down the emerald green grass. Give them long arms and tight grips as they pull in passes from their quarterback. Guide that very quarterback as he surveys the field, sizes up the defense, and delivers a game winning pass. Give the linemen tough feet as they dig their toes into the ground, pushing, shoving, and protecting. Keep them strong even though theirs are the names that rarely get called. Be with the safety who gets beat on a pass route, and give him the confidence boost to go back on the next play and intercept. Calm the kicker who sometimes carries the game on his shoulders. Help him boot that pigskin straight through the goalposts, and protect him as he is carried off the field on the shoulders of his teammates. Be with the coaches whose heavy feet pace the sidelines they mow themselves, who carry a heavier burden than most people can understand. Encourage the boys who stuck with it, even when it was hard, when others gave up on them, and are finally seeing some light in the distance.

You see, God, we've had it rough here the last several years, or so i've been told. The teams who came before us have suffered the losses, the games that "build character." But now, Lord, it's time to win. Our boys know what it's like to work hard and improve. To continue when others quit. To lose in the last few minutes, to lose in the first few minutes. They know what it's like to read the paper and hear the praise heaped on surrounding teams. Lord, I just think it's time to see the right people reap what they sow. Let the boys who buy into a work ethic, follow when asked to follow, and lead when expected to lead, experience the thrill of victory. Let them hear the roar of a crowd who plan their weekend around 7:30 kickoffs. Let them read about themselves in the paper, with words like "upset," and "playoff."

Thank you Lord for football as we know it: summer workouts, cool fall nights in the bleachers, cheerleaders chanting, and marching bands marching. Thank you for pep rallies, homecoming, tailgating, and signing day. And Lord, if we could add play off game to that list, I'd consider this an answered prayer.

In Jesus name,


P.S. -- Lord, i'm pretty sure i can get you a sideline pass to that play off game. Just sayin'.

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