Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tru Love

Tru love is 7 pounds, 8 ounces of baby boy on a cold January morning.

He checks in with me most mornings at 3 am, just to snuggle I guess.

Tru love is someone to share a popsicle with on a hot summer day.

. . . is another guy to hang out in the man cave.
Tru love is big blue eyes, curly blonde hair, and a crooked tooth from a spill with a dishwasher.

He says Daaady and Dada and Da before he ever utters Mommy :)

Tru love is someone to play trains with in the afternoon.

Tru love is three boys who love their new baby brother as much as I do, and still fight over him one year later.
Tru love is this guy, who surprised all 5 of us but in the best way possible.

So we're doing it all over again: first football and baseball practices, potty training, first day of school, sight words, learning to ride a bike, tying shoes, and all those things we thought were done.

Happy Birthday to our true love: Tru K!