Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

I can't help but wonder, based on the title of one of my favorite books, was Dr. Seuss a coach/educator? Did he pick up and move his family and belongings every time the sun changed positions? Had he purchased more houses in 10 years than most people do in a lifetime? Did the post office cringe when Mrs. Seuss showed up at the counter to have everything forwarded again?

I'm not sure if the much loved writer ever wore a whistle around his neck or turned in lesson plans every Friday, but he sure was on to something when he penned that book. And if you're familiar with even a little of it, the man is speaking directly to our family.

"oh, the places you'll go
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So . . . get on your way."

The Kirks are well on our way to starting our next chapter in town number 6, adjusting to the traditions of school number 9, saying good-bye again to hundreds of much-loved friends, and hoping for big Hello's from our newest friends-who-become-family. It's kind of exhausting just thinking about it, but it's what we do. Oh, the places you'll go!

We have been to great places. We've been to not-so-great places. We've waited with baited breath for school board votes and written resignation letters at midnight. We've learned from the best and the worst, walked away with the good stuff and left the bad stuff behind with the rest of the trash at the curb. Oh, the places you'll go!

And here we go again, this time in Dahlonega. Home of the Lumpkin County Indians. Home of the University of North Georgia. Home of Gold mining. Our home now. Tucker and Tanner and Tate and Truett's place.

"Oh the places you'll go!
There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored
There are games to be won.
And the magical things you can
do with that ball will make you the
winning-est winner of all!"

So, thank you, Dr. Seuss, writer, poet, teacher(?), coach(?), for pushing us, writing for us, and reminding us of ALL of the magical , wonderful, fabulous places we can go!