Tuesday, January 11, 2011

If I were the Bachelorette. . .

I'm going to blame this one on the cabin fever after being snowed in for 2 days and expecting another one tomorrow.

OK. My name is Jennifer and I watch the Bachelor. Like admitting that i occasionally watch Dr.Phil, it took alot to say that,but i'm ready to let the world know. I started off as a Bachelor/Bachelorette watcher for the first few years, then with the studpidity that followed i dropped off. I can't really explain why, but I'm a watcher again and i'm going to be proud of it(atleast for this blog anyway).

Because of the BCS game on Monday, I had to DVR the lastest episode of the show and i watched it today while the baby napped and the big boys played in the snow. You have to do it that way these days, considering that this particular series features a vampire (vampiress??), a manscaper (who proudly showed off her trade), and more plastic chests than i could keep track of. Of course, some sweet Southern Belles also completed the picture (thank God for Belles), and your general list of crazies and girls i WOULD NOT approach in a dark alley.

But seriously, my heart breaks for these girls, some so desperate that their pity shows in every little side speech they give.(That boy is mine! they've got a fight on their hands if they think i'm letting him go, etc). I can't even imagine what their Visa bills look like, maxed out at boutiques and jewelry stores, hoping their purchases will appeal to the handsome bachelor.It can't be easy to compete with 24 other girls for one (always) rich, (always) handsome man; even high school had better odds than that, and we didn't have cocktail parties at the end of each day.

The group dates are pretty painful to watch, what with one girl stealing kisses while the others look on, followed by catty remarks about how tacky it was to watch; meanwhile all of us watching know that she's just pi**ed because she didn't think to do it first. Then there's the awful moment when he picks ONE girl to give out the date rose to and then (GASP), he does it in front of the others while they sit watching in their string bikinis. Talk about feeling exposed!

But by far, the moment we all wait for and pop the popcorn for is the the . . . rose ceremony, or as Chris Harrsion says, "The most dramatic rose ceremony yet."
After i watched and my stomach churned for even the girls who were picked, i've come up with some advice for those who didn't make the final cut.

1. While standing and waiting, don't look mad, especially if there are still like 12 roses left. It WON'T get his attention to look evil. The camera sees it, but probably not the bachelor.

2. When he does call your name, don't say somthing stupid, like "Just almost gave me a heart attack," or "this is better than a Christmas gift." it's not cute and you're just being mean to the others not yet called.

3. Wear a dress that fits. If you don't get called, it just looks even more awkward walking off adjusting your dress and holding it up with one hand and wiping your tears with the other. And if you do get called, it's hard to toast your champagne while again holding your strapless dress at the top.

4. And pleeeeeaaaaassseeee, if you are NOT one of the lucky ones, when you leave the mansion, don't have a pity party in the beautiful garden. "Guess i'm just meant to be alone," or "I'm the worst dater ever" or "why don't they like me?" It's already sooo sad, and your chances to be the next Bachelorette just went out the window.

5. Finally, no matter how hard it hurts, no matter how ridiculous you acted to get his attention at a cocktail party, no matter how mad you are that that credit card bill is going to be waiting for you when you get home, DON'T CRY!!!!! Bite your cheek, pull your hair, think about puppies and Hawaiian vacations, but please don't cry. YOu'll only regret it when the show airs and you've already forgotten Brad What's-his-name. Just DON"T CRY.

We'll still have Bachelor-watching parties, water cooler talks, and great entertainment without all this and the girls who don't become Mrs. BAchelor will leave the mansion in that black limousine with atleast some of their dignity.

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