Wow! The house is so quiet. Billy, Tucker, and Tanner are having dinner with Grandmommy and Tate is sound asleep. I know I should be sleeping as well considering that with the double ear infection that Tate has been fighting, sleep has been a rarity for both of us these last five (yes, I'm counting) days. But, WOW again. The house is so quiet and how often does that happen? With xbox 360, 3 (yes, 3) Nintendo DS's, 3 cellphones, 3 tv's, and 3 kids, this house rarely shuts down. I could watch whatever I want on tv, totally uninterrupted, but I dare not turn on anything with sound. I rather enjoy the sound of my fingers slapping at the keys of the computer and am reveling somewhat at the idea of starting a blog, something I've said I was going to do for sometime. And being the technologically SLOW one in the house, I'm a little surprised I"ve gotten this far by myself. All the fancy stuff will have to come later though, if it comes at all; for now, just typing away feels soooo good, so if my page is not asethetically pleasing, well maybe I'll find something important to say and everyone will forget about the color design (or lack thereof).
So let's see, my first real post: Thursday, March 11. I taught two Step classes and a Sculpt class and I'm exhausted from the aforementioned lack of sleep. HOwever, it is AMAZING what God does to new moms, and old ones for that matter. No matter how little sleep I may get at night, I have yet to forget to do anything, wreck my van, burn supper. or fall asleep during homework time. I can still mange a good 6 mile run most days, teach my aerobics classes, and even catch the 10:00 news. I ask inquisitive questions when Billy gets home, follow tanner's tales from lunch, and keep up with Tucker's mood swings. Tate's diapers get changed and I've yet to forget to put him in the car on any of our trips alone. I'm not saying that I like the lack of sleep thing, in fact, I'm craving a good night's rest. What I am saying, I guess, is that this is another thing to be thankful for in my life. And there are so, so many things to be thankful for!
You may be tired, but you are a great writer... Mrs. English comes out. I miss you so...
OMG! Does Tucker have a cell phone??????? It's Courtney, not Chris.